Sounds Good

Guarire un po'. Sognare un po'. Amare un po'. Fallire un po'. Far male un po'. Mentirsi e poi. Tornare a sfamarsi un po'.
(Afterhours - Il sangue di Giuda)

sabato 4 aprile 2009

Assignment 5_PubMed

Tempo fa avevo aggiunto PubMed fra i preferiti e fra quelli di Delicious, ma sembrava ancora una cosa molto remota, una sorta di 'fiducia' in quello che magari, un giorno, sarei potuto andare a consultare. Invece, tempo qualche piccola ricerca, e mi ci sono letteralmente perso.
In particolare sono andato a cercare notizie sull'articolazione del ginocchio, non tanto (ma anche) per l'esame di anatomia ormai alle porte, bensì per un interesse personale legato ad un infortunio (stiramento del collaterale mediale) che mi sono procurato qualche tempo fa durante la mia poverissima carriera cestistica. Inserendo la ricerca 'collateral ligaments knee AND stretching', alla fine, cercacerca, sono arrivato al risultato, anche se trattato in termini un tantino più gravi che nel mio caso:
"Indications for conservative treatment of knee ligament injuries can be established for all grade I or II sprains (partial tears), as well as isolated grade III sprains (complete tears) of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and medial collateral ligament (MCL). These injuries should be treated with immediate mobilization. Only in isolated partial anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears without a positive pivot shift phenomenon is conservative treatment justified. However, many of these injuries may require operative reconstruction later. In complete ACL tears the surgical treatment consists of primary reconstruction or augmented primary repair. Today, the middle third of the patella tendon with the bone blocks is regarded as the "gold standard" for augmented repairs and late reconstructions. For the present, there is no place for synthetic prostheses in the treatment of an acute ACL rupture. Allograft replacement of the ACL must now be considered an experimental procedure. In the reconstruction of the PCL the above mentioned patella tendon graft is also preferable. Lateral collateral ligament (LCL) tears, especially if they are combined with ruptures of posterolateral ligament complex, should be repaired immediately after the injury. In these injuries late reconstructions are difficult and the results are poor. Conservative treatment of partial tears and postoperative treatment of reconstructed ligaments is twofold: on the one hand, the healing tissue should be protected and on the other hand, atrophy and wasting of uninjured tissue should be avoided. Overload and stretching of the injured ligaments should be eliminated with the aid of a suitable knee brace, but early range of motion exercises of the knee are allowed immediately."

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